What we do

Organization Structuring and Design

To effectively deliver on their strategies, organizations must prioritize the establishment of a strong and efficient structure. This structure determines how decisions are made and clarifies accountabilities within the organization.

The organizational chart defines not only the structure but also job titles, reporting lines, span of control, and career paths, all of which contribute to employee engagement and effective management.

envision leverages its extensive experience to support partners by conducting thorough analyses of their current state and strategic direction, identifying areas for improvement, and designing an optimal organizational structure. Our approach takes into account industry best practices, an understanding of business processes, value chain analysis, as well as current and future leadership and operational capabilities.

To complement the organizational structure, envision also provides the following services:

  • Development of job descriptions and role profiles.
  • Establishment of job KPIs.
  • Creation of a competency framework.
Through these services, we help organizations build a robust framework that enhances decision-making and promotes accountability while fostering a culture of engagement and performance excellence.